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Labor pool in a sentence

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Sentence count:26+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2020-08-15Updated:2020-08-15
Similar words: motor poollabor painlabor partylabor painscar poolliverpoollaborlaboredMeaning: n. the source of trained people from which workers can be hired. 
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1. Though the Indian labor pool is large, it is also primarily unskilled.
2. It is the vast labor pool that global capitalism has tapped into that is the new leviathan.
3. She created her own labor pool.
4. Lion takes full advantage of its labor pool.
5. With the rural labor pool shrinking, wages are rising.
6. The labor pool is steadily expanding.
7. As companies hire from an ever more diverse labor pool, they reap the benefits of bilingualism, but they're also running into a Babel of problems.
8. As more underqualified university graduates hit the labor pool, they'll pose a growing stability risk if they can't get good jobs.
9. Indonesia possesses the large labor pool and the abundant natural resources required to develop a manufacturing base that can compete with Brazil, Russia, India and China.
10. Labor Pool: Women are more than half of the workforce.
11. Its labor pool is getting increasingly sophisticated, its leadership is focused on innovation, and the country is adopting policies designed to pressure U.S. firms to transfer their technology.
12. China has a sufficient labor pool for next 40 years, a counselor to China's Cabinet on population issues said.
12. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
13. These reformers were joined by powerful forces in the business community who wanted the schools to help train a skilled labor pool.
14. Employers who use immigrant workers for high-tech jobs and others may yet face restrictions on that labor pool.
15. The most competitive advantage of Chinese manufacturing industry is abundant but cheap labor pool.
16. Bleum has started hiring a U.S. workforce, but sets an IQ score of 125 as a screening threshold because of the smaller labor pool.
17. This presents some fresh challenges to management as they look to recruit architects from a fairly small labor pool.
18. They trained thousands of rain-forest residents to provide a local labor pool and built modern houses for families who will be displaced.
19. "The job market could be even more competitive as improving job prospects entice people who abandoned their job searches out of frustration to re-enter the labor pool,(" he said.
20. Meanwhile, the American middle class is being systematically wiped out of existence as U.S. workers are slowly being merged into the new "global" labor pool.
21. And in the long run, Vietnam has key access to a vast and cheap labor pool across the borders of Cambodia and Laos.
22. Most graduates do eventually find decent jobs, but the problem will increase as more of them hit the labor pool or if the economy stalls.
23. Because of the one-child policy that China implemented in the late 1970s, there are fewer younger workers in the labor pool.
24. Many employers -- 37 percent -- said they plan to take advantage of the large labor pool and replace low-performing employees in 2010.
25. The issues holding back the iPad -- high taxes, bad infrastructure and a shallow labor pool -- are routinely cited by business leaders as the main obstacles to higher growth.
26. It will need to set aside funds to take care of the increase in retirees that will begin to outpace the working force in the labor pool, Roubini Global Economics pointed out recently.
More similar words: motor poollabor painlabor partylabor painscar poolliverpoollaborlaboredlaborerbelaborlabor daylaboringfool aboutlaboriouslabor costlabor codelabor forceelaboratelaboratorychild laborelaboratedmanual laborday laborerlabor unioncost of laborelaborationelaboratelycollaborateelaborate onlaboriously
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